(Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. Lori: *frowns points at Lincoln* Well, Lincoln called me a jerk! ", Rita shrugged. "Do you have any plans for this evening? You literally completely RUINED my brand-new dress! ", Lori: "Well,it has been a while since Lincoln andI spent some timetogether. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. I guess Clyde was right. That's true; she didn't leave her initials on the letter when she wrote it, so how would Sam know that she had written it? "I take it that she didn't feel the same way?". And, nobody can deny that. by Lance1889 22K 490 21 Lori opens the door and enters Lincoln's room with a smile on her face. ", "What are some of your shared interests? She falls asleep and the two sleep togther in each others' arms for the rest of the night. We don't want to hurt his feelings. ", Lynn: "Man, I wish I was there! LINCOLN: (grief-stricken) I'd wonder if my real parents know where I am, right now. When he sees his sister cry, he says, "Come on, you'll be okay. You are so going to die, Clyde: *sees her* L-L-Lori?! RITA: We have to tell him, honey. What should I do? Those two went at it for a few minutes until Dad broke them up! And Lily, too. Lincoln: *sighs* Im gonna go to the McBrides house to make sure Clydes OK. Lynn Sr.: Thats very kind of you, son. *The next day, at the Loud house, Lori is cutting up the dress she got. And I thought I could get through this by myself, but as time went on, I just kept feeling worse. Ever since she started to hang out with Sam, Luna would hardly last a couple of hours if she did not bring up Sam. "Don't worry, Luna," began Lori "this was just a minor setback. Why do youguys care? First one is Second Loud Brother. Lori: "Whew! (A younger Rita at an orphanage, where a worker is showing Rita multiple babies). Luna had feared that Sam would reject her because of her preferences, but she held onto that hope that maybe she'd be proven wrong. "That's worse than Lucy's idea!" (In his room, Lincoln is sitting on his bed, depressed; Knocking is heard). SCENE: Dining room of the Loud house. ", Mike: That's right! Lynn Sr.: "Lori, your mother and I are very proud of you. ", Lori: "Yes. Just us, at the beach, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the ocean? ", Sweat dripped from Luna's forehead. ", Lynn: (livid) "Where are they?! It has been a few weeks since the "No Such Luck" incident. Lincoln: Not when you have sisters that won't let you do boy stuff. "Well, I had gone through a similar predicament you had. ", Lincoln: "Yeah, I wish you guys could've seen it. From there, it appeared that the feelings were mutual. Lori sighs solemnly before rubbing her back. So, can I please just get some rest?". *leads her inside*. This fanfic makes references to a couple of my Alternate Ending to "Get the Message". I would've taught those boys a lesson they'll never forget.". ", Lori: "Yes, it's sad. It's one of those zombie games. Lori drives Lincoln to a very familiar restaurant; Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. Sorry for yelling. Clyde is sitting on his bed, holding an icepack on the cheek Lori slapped, whimpering sadly. Lincoln Albert Loud. (Lincoln crawls onto Luna's hands as she picks him up), (She kisses him on his forehead and pinches his cheeks). ", Lori: "What are you worried about? I guess we're due for some bonding time. The two head inside the restaurant. LANA: We always look up to you, Lincoln. But I talked with Bobby and told me that spending time with him and taking him to places he likes should cheer him up. My heart is broken forever. Lincoln: Sorry, Lori. How am I feeling?! Today was a great day for the Loud kids. Youre like a steamed vegetable, only smarter! But after you got busted andscrewed upthe game, we lostthe bet! "If I am to let go of Sam, something about me needs to change.". (Luna kissed Lincoln on his forehead and wipe the tears off his face with a tissue). Lincoln puts suncreen on his hand and begins rubbing it on his sister's back. If you ever try to hurt my brother again, there will be dire consequences?! (Their parents walk away, the girls are all horrified), (The girls, who are still shocked, are on the couch). Mike: "I'm Mike. ", Bobby: "Hmm. Leni: Oh. ", Luna looked up at her in curiosity. "Yes, of course, Leni, that idea was pretty dumb" added Lynn. Luna was trying to put on a face of understanding, but it was only self-evident that she simply didn't want to break down in front of her crush. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. "Okay, when we get to the forest edge, I will explain everything," said Lincoln. ", Lori: "Go ahead. UmI was wonderingyou wanna see a movie Saturday? The next morning, Lincoln woke up still happy from last night. The sisters look at Lincoln and notice the bruises on him. Lincoln walked into kitchen accidentally bumping into Lori. You want to watch that? Lynn Jr.: Yeah. That goes for me as well, you are a real Loud sibling as well, baby bro. As she said this, she was applying the suncreen on Lincoln's other arm and chest, much to his annoyance. We pretty much wasted our time. Lynn Jr.: Hi Mr. McBride. "Well, we basically play together, for one. Lincoln walked downstairs, not paying attention, heck not even noticing when Lynn pantsed him and him walking out of his pants. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to sleep with me in my bed.". *, Lori: Oh my gosh, Whitney, you should see my new dress. LUNA: I know, little bro. Hope you enjoy. Lisa calms Lincoln down after a brief spat. *Just then, theres a knock on the door. ", Bobby: "No problem, Babe. What was once a story meant to inspire her was now an utter mockery. Lincoln and Lori go to seperate changing stations to change into their swimwear. *growls, speaks into phone* I have to go, Whitney. You know, Amy, anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo., (It starts with a certain commercial involving a certain creature getting in the kart, then the announcer begins to speak). ", Lori: "Wow. Long story short.Lincoln is placed in the hospital and Lori's bond with her siblings and parents is broken. Lincoln: "Then Lana tripped and accidentally dropped her bucket of worms on Lola! What Luan said was true. No. Lori is on the couch, texting Bobby.*. LUNA: You treat him more horribly than anyone in this entire house! ", Lori: "Last night, I heard himtalk to himself. Heck, even her husband appeared to be enamored with him. Unfortunately for her, it was ice cold water. ", Lincoln: Of course, I'm happy for them. Howard: Sure thing, Lynn. You'll get over it. Butthings still tend to get out of control, like the whole Sweet Spot fiasco, the time we fought over money, the time Leni and I fought over a stupid dress and then we all started arguing, and that's only naming a few. I've been keepingitfrom you guys for a while. Staff Member #2: "You kids are coming with us. I love you.". "She's in love, dear sister. She turns the water of, and races to her room to get her duds. I'm peachy. LINCOLN: Yeah. Rita shook her head in understanding. How was your- *gasp* Oh my gosh, Lincoln!". LUCY: You ungrateful twerp. Just then, a few staff member appear. "Look, Luna, I know it's hard, but trust me, things will get better. Lori: "Mom, I'm gonna take Lincoln out for a while. Don't beat yourself up." LYNN SR: I know how you all of you feel. "You're welcome, big bro," said Lisa, accepting the hug. A soft smile spreads across her face. I'm starting to realize something. Everyone looked at her strangely. Where are you going in such a good mood? RITA: We can answer that, sweetheart. Lincoln: (sadly) "Oh, Ronnie Anne. Lincoln looks around. Fractured relationships broken hearts. Clyde: Yeah. The New Loud House Fanfic. Loud." I dont care if you have a crush on me. (Rita gives her son to Luna, she cradles him while he coo's). Please please leave me alone", This will be a bit harder than I thought, "L-Lisa" sobbed Lincoln. LENI: You little runt! (laughs), (Lincoln and Luan both laugh at the latter's joke as she pinches Lincoln's cheek and embraces him). LUNA: Yeah lil dude, you are our brother, and no matter what we would still love you. Luna and Lincoln both sighed in disbelief. "T-thank you" said Lincoln, new tears spilling from his eyes. "SoLuna," began Lincoln in an attempt to lighten the mood "how did it go?". She hugs Lincoln, and he returns it. LYNN SR: Lincoln, son, you are adopted. Lori didn't want to discourage Luna's infatuation with that girl, but she felt that Luna needed to realize that not everything falls into place. Luna lets her phone buzz until it ceased before returning to bed. It's not your fault. He's so happy that he has ten incredible and wonderful sisters with him). Let's go blast some zombies.". We see a 10-year-old Lori sleeping in her bed. The twenty-four-year-old man was travelling in a taxi, rediscovering with a neighborhood that had not seen since five years ago, and adding that passed training in the army. Lori: No; Im trying to fix it into a gift for Clyde, to apologize for what I did to him. He didn't smell bad at dinner. "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. "So, how did she respond to the letter?" "Are ya gonna bring her home?" Choose whatever one you like. (out loud) "Okay. Luna was silent. Did something happen between her and her band mates? Sure, their crushes may not feel the same way about them, but at the very least, it was worth trying. "So, Luna, you've been hanging out with Sam for long times haven't you? Lynn Jr., whos in the driveway practicing hockey shots, sees her.*. Not even that dude Lincoln brought home could top her.". "Yup. ", Luna subconsciously drills her mind for an answer. The family still wanted to talk to him, but thought maybe it was best to not bother him andleave him be for now. Just then, he hears a knock on his door. She looked at her brother, and he looked back to her, before going upstairs. The rest of the siblings immediately stopped what they were doing, and they take a seat on the couch. ", Lori: "What do I- Lincoln. Luna: Hey bro. 2. ", Drake: "Are you the same kid who had his sister pretend to be you and win a bunch of football games? "Hey, Sam. "I just really like her, Lincoln. "Wow. "I don't know why but I think nothing can destroy this joyful mood of mine," Lincoln said. Luna tightened her grip around her pillow. "Sure," Lori said. "I could arrange for a double date with you two, and Bobby and me. ", Lori: "Anytime. LENI: I was wondering, I wonder how and/or why you got your white hair. (At the house, the younger version of all the older sisters are all playing with each other; Rita walk in the house with her new son in her hands). ", Lynn Sr.: "It's alright son. Even if she tried, there could potentially be more disappointment down the road. *back to Clyde* This is the last straw, Clyde. Nothing reallyworth talking about. We bet 50 dollars that you would win. Rita rushes to Lincoln an kneels down to him. Just hearing those painful words circulating in her mind troubled her heart. "Lincoln! Seeing how that didn't really work out for her, she clearly did not want to hear that story again. Lynn Jr.: I get what youre saying, sis, but dont you think youre overreacting a little? Next morning, we see Lincoln in his bed, reading a comic book. Lori gets up and runs towards the water, leaving Lincoln behind. "You all experienced Lincoln Loud surviving the chaos of living with 11 meddling sisters." The older twin said. Now the two are going to have Lunch. "I heard someone slammin' the door. Lincoln grabs his pillow ad follows Lori to her and Leni's room. Luna wanted to believe it. As they are eating, each of them was talking about their day. ", "Where are you going with this, Lincoln? Lori came in and saved me from them. "You seemed pretty upset when you slammed that door. "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. YOUNGER RITA: I was gonna named him "Luke" or "Lane". We always look up to you for guidance. Clyde: *sees her, pupils dilate* L-L-Lori? The sisters each weakly gave them a thumbs up. Come on in. "Then what is it?". I still can't believe I'm actually adopted for over 11 years, all those times I've been mistreated. Lincoln and Lori walk downstairs. "Come on, Luna, you can do this," Luna says trying to reassure herself. LORI: (shocked) Oh my gosh! The thoughts about Sam that once filled her with happiness were now stiffening poison to her. I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. Family; 1, genetics; 0. (It begins with snowflakes falling from the sky and an unseen narrator starts speaking) Narrator: >sniffs and sighs< I love this time of year, especially when rain starts to turn into ice and snow, making it an official snow day, even during the last month of the year just before my favorite holiday of the year, Christmas. ( Everybody started to hug all each other even the pets, and the parents are that Lincoln was in their family). Lincoln: *goes inside* Im really sorry for what happened at my house. - Lincoln said kindly LORI: Especially, with our little brother. LUNA: It's gonna be alright, Lincoln. ", Lori: "Lincoln. ", Lori: "Anything for you, little brother.". I mean, hes an eleven-year-old kid. Yesterday, Lincoln had uncovered a love letter signed to a certain "L. Lori give Lincoln a cute smile. LINCOLN: (enamored) Wow, that was beautiful and sweet of you guys. But only because you asked nicely". nice.". Good thing today is Saturday.". ", Leni: "Did you get in trouble at school? *opens bag to reveal a t-shirt* Is this the dress I ruined? Lincoln and Lori went against the two teenagers. Clyde: No it wont. Lori: (sadly) "Oh, Lincoln." It cuts to Lori in her room. *gives him the bag* I know this doesnt make up for what I did, but I still want you to have this. All of us have bad moments with him, how we treated each other. First published Oct 08, 2019 Mature Save the date AU After Lincoln returns home, he comes face to face with an outraged Lori Loud who is heartbroken after Bobby breaks up with her. Not even her former attraction towards Hugh Lincoln's tutor could set her heart ablaze with such raw passion. I thought I could get though it alone, but I just kept feeling worse. First published Jun 12, 2017. Lynn Jr.: Iwanna see Mr. McBrides college baseball trophies. I'll race you.". However, when she first began to talk about her, her siblings were under the assumption that she was referring to a boy. Lincoln walks upstairs to his room, leaving his family in the dining room. How are you holding up since she and Bobby moved away? LOLA: Even if I actually hate him, I still love him. She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. Lincoln: "No fair, Lori! You costed us that money, and now, we're gonna make you pay!". I was wondering if you would like to join us to watch TV. And let's not forget. This is my first story where Lincoln bonds with one of his sisters. The three guys turn there heads and see Lori, who looks extremely ticked off. It was why he was such an excessive planner, why he felt like he had to control every situation he was in, and why he could not abide chaos, he had to be 'the man with the plan'. Mike walks over toward Lori. Sam was about to leave when Luna spoke up at last. Where would we be without you? She is talking to Bobby through her laptop. I dont care if youre going through changes. With much consideration, Luna solemnly walks over to the door, and opens it for her mother. YOURE the one with clothes making abilities, not me. He tried though, but he couldn't focus. Come on, let's get started.". The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was awa After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de Lincoln Loud has ended up in the Hospital after the events of Brawl in the Family. You're our only brother, Lincoln, no wonder why we're loud and proud. Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Lori: "Lincoln, no. After everything they had been through, it would seem only logical that they would get together. While Mike is holding hiswrist and the other two have the hands on their heads, Lori glares at them. WORKER: That's the last of the boy babies. But after a little time, I felt a lot better. Lori: "Hey Lincoln. Everyone looks at Lincoln. Be enamored with him ) minutes until Dad broke them up Bobby and told me that spending with... Kids are coming with us though it alone, but as time went on, Luna, you our. Into their swimwear points at Lincoln * Well, Lincoln Leni: `` Yeah, I 'm adopted. The bruises on him when Luna spoke up at her brother, and now, lostthe. Much consideration, Luna, you are our brother & quot ; all... And wipe the tears off his face with a tissue ) and opens it for a while livid ) Oh! * frowns points at Lincoln * Well, it would seem only that... A story meant to inspire her was now an utter mockery Lincoln and notice the on... Other arm and chest, much to his room, Lincoln dumb added! 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