She is ready to start training to ride. If a Low Country/Baylis Dam is bred to a Low Country Sire the offspring is Low Country/ Fullblood Spanish Goat it is not 3/4 Low Country. In the bunch we have Pure Spanish and Spanish-Kiko crosses. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. Wormers and vaccines are not used on the goats, and are not necessary in the climate.Nannies kid in pastures once a year in a 60-75 day window. The nannies kid unassisted in the Spring, and usually have twins, although singles and triplets are not uncommon.The Morefields continue to work hard to conserve Fullblood Spanish goats with great cashmere.Story by Dian Morefield, May 2012. And Shurleys willing to become actively involved with some very interesting studies to find out if his hunch about the perfect composite mix of goats is correct or not. . The goats drink well water due to an absence of natural streams in that area. They also have some old goats that they keep for life at the farm: these older goats kid just as often but usually only have one kid.Like most Spanish goats, Muddy Run goats are disease-free, sturdy, and long-living. They typically give birth to twins twice a year.In 2008, The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) learned of the existence of these feral goats. They occasionally receive supplemental feeding to ease handling, and this has helped to keep the goats very gentle.Weinheimer deworms twice per year: right before the breeding season and when the kids are weaned.Predatation determines whether or not the billies are kept with the nannies year round. The terrain is hilly with limestone rock that would keep the goats?hooves in excellent condition naturally. Has horns. I'm looking to sell 7 exposed pairs for $1,200 and a bull for $1,500. Now taking reservations. And the Spanish goats could just take care of themselves. The goats are medium-sized, with does weighing in at about 80 lbs and bucks average about 120 lbs at maturity.Syfans herd consists of several groups: three groups of does, one group of bucks, a group of young bucks, and a group of young does. They also raise Savanna and Savanna-cross goats, but the Papes keep the different breeds on separate ranches in the area. Joe Preston Neely also ran a herd of the Foundation Sawyer on the Neely-Sawyer Ranch inSonora, TX. He did find that if the goats gorged on too many acorns, they would get sick from the toxins.Owning a feed store came in very handy. The goats are expected to be hardythere is no deworming, and natural forage is only supplemented when necessary by 20% protein blocks.Shurleys long-term goat-ranching strategy lies in developing a composite herd that includes a mix of Boer, Nubian, Kiko, and Spanish in the mix. Limestone rock in the hills has always kept the goats?hooves naturally trimmed. One adult on the island is polled. Ramses - 1 and 1/2 year old wether. He sought to breed goats with good coats, and more hair. Calm disposition, rapid growth, and early maturation describe the Black turkey. Spanish goats have a distinct gate and body posture. Their horns tend to grow more straight back than outwards, but there is only slight horn variation within their herd. Some of the Sawyer Bloodline Producers are still raising Sawyers in this way, and other producers are raising them as individual goats. Sired by Top Selling Sire at the 2020 Spanish Goat Gathering. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year-round. Sells unregistered. A?does are bred to A?bucks, B?bred to B,?C?to C. The Kensings do not interfere at kidding time, and if a weak kid cannot make it through with normal care, it is left to its fate. Toms will dress out around 23 lbs, with the Hens dressing out around 14 lbs. The slow growth rate enables the bird to develop a strong skeletal structureand healthy organs. said the Sawyer ranch was focused on mothering, longevity, and range survivability with minimal, input. The Baylis are somewhat smaller and deep chested. Posted April 21, 2022, Brownwood, TX: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder Dave Wassenberg ~ Wassenhous Ranch ~ has Koy Kids available ~ born 1/2022. Around the time that Kensing moved to Menard, meat goat ranchers in Texas were getting excited about imported breeds, specifically Boer goats. A doe may drop from A?assessment to a C,?a buckling may come from a B?breeding and attain an A?statuswhatever looks right in the eyes of a master breeder.Syfan will only keep a limited number of bucks, so 80 percent of the buck kids will be castrated and kept for a year to control brush, and then sold as mutton kids. She grew her herd, adding a Spanish billy here and there to avoid inbreeding, and maintained a tight cull. As calving time coincides with kidding time, the cattle offer protection for the entire birthing herd. However, solid colored bodies are preferred.In the heart of sheep and goat country, coyotes had once been eradicated. Weinheimer has seen coyotes kill one third of his nannies and 100% of his kid crop in a 3-week period. Eagles are rarely seen on their ranch, and the goats are safe from raptors beneath the trees. Dam and Sire DNA Registered. Other Valera goats in the area from Feltners herd have not been found, nor have the original Valeras in Texas, so Muddy Run goats contain a unique bloodline.History of the Muddy Run herd/Valera strain by Peter Schechter and Rosa Peuch, October 2008. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing. Unfortunately, Preston Faris, Jane Sawyer-Davis, Edwin Sawyer, and Joe Preston Neely are nolonger running the Sawyer Bloodline. However, it soon became evident that some good replacements were being overlooked. The Spanish goats are in Hill Country?#151;a hilly area that is dry, rocky, and quite open, where Live Oaks, Shin Oaks, Mesquite, Yucca, and cacti grow amongst other shrubs and forage. We have 100% pure Spanish goats. Use this link: BREEDER LIST. He asserts that theyre best there is.History of Bode herd from Gene Bode, January 2008. It is this attention to detail (and the bottom line), that enables Smoke Ridge to evaluate each goat and cull accurately. Does are prolific, and have great maternal instincts. Had single ram lamb this year. Roy Weinheimer, like many Texans of his time, raised Angora goats for mohair, and kept his Spanish goats for feeding the family. Welcome to Hidden Hollow Valera, verified breeders and proud members of the Spanish Goat Association. Some areas on the island became impassable over time due to dense brush encroachment or impassable swamp.As time went on, the goats were harvested less frequently, but by then new predators were present: feral hogs. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). In the cold winters, with temperatures falling to 40 below zero, the cashmere undercoat that the goats still produce helps keep them warm and fuel-efficient while being fed grass-alfalfa hay (when the ground is snow-covered). They were like snowflakes, no two patterns were exactly repeated. 2 generations from NZ Ravenswood, 3 from UK Parson's Pride, and dam line doubles to AUS Ostler's Hill Chequers. They are smart, noisy and affectionate. Named after Elgin and Shirley Pape, Harper, TexasShirley Pape was raised in Texas on a ranch that had bred sheep and Angora goats since the 1920s, with Spanish meat goats kept separate from the Angoras. Goats Need Essential Nutrition, Always Without it, a goat WILL get sick and have problems. They dont make those anymore! Darla is an SGR GOLD Certified ~ Lifetime Conservationist Member that can be found on our Breeder Mapout of Buckholts, TX. Like the Baylis line, they tend to be smaller than some of their southwestern counterparts: nannies average about 70 lbs and billies average about 90 lbs. The Valera is a longer and taller breed with longer hair coats. The forage is affected by the weather, too, which then in turn can affect the birth rate of the goats. Call for details. That year, Bode lost 130 kids to crows.During his years as a breeder, Bode would buy, sell, and trade goats, but always kept to Fullblood Spanish. We do, however, supply free choice of loose minerals, mineral, and salt blocks to ensure they are getting everything they require. This in contrast to crosses with swiss dairy goats in which the ears are smaller or with Boer and Nubian in which the ears are usually larger. These billies can be DNA Registered GOLD. Spanish goats are usually horned, and the horns on bucks may be large and twisted. They are raised on natural forage using rotational grazing with hay provided in the winter December-April). The American Livestock Breeders Association has listed the Spanish goat as endangered. The next kidding will be Valera over Baylis does. Our foxes are raised and bred in a TWRA state licensed and USDA federally licensed facilities. Anatolians, Maremmas, and crosses thereof, guard the goats at home or off property at weed projects, at approximately one dog per 100 goats.Nearly one third of the doe herd is Fullblood Spanish, and every few years those does are bred to a Fullblood Spanish buck to make a new batch of mother goats. The entire Smoke Ridge doeherd is sorted into groups of approximately 75 animals, and a single buck is put with each group for three and a half weeks. uncle and continued his commitment to the Sawyer Bloodline. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. I have some that I'm looking to sell. Weinheimer goats are very hardy, forage well, are parasite-resistant, and are excellent mothers. Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech of Muddy Run Farm have been breeding Spanish meat goats since 1995. Peter and Rosa researched the breed with the help of Virginia State University, who directed them to their first buck and two does from Irene Feltner, a retired Baltimore policewoman, in Stanardsville, VA. Feltner had brought the buck from Texas in 1991. Valera is a relatively tall-standing meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. The following information is a very basic set of criteria we evaluate when verifying as Fullblood Spanish and making the determination to SGR DNA Register. Michael continues to own and manage the Middle Valley Spanish Goat herd on this ranch in the same manner. The bird will dress out at about 85% of its weight. Robert Kensing had grown up with Angora goats, which were a popular breed in Texas when mohair commanded a high price, so he had experience. The 82-acre farm is located . While this is no fault of the breeder or the owner of the goat, SGLLC seeks to select out the goats that display crossbreeding. Kensing has worked hard to control the cacti and Mesquite on his ranch. The Highest Standards Ensure Integrity: Verification of Seed Stock. Most of our sales take place at the farm. Required Bill of Sale ~ Breeder ID Application ~ DNA Spreadsheet. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waverfrom our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anythingthat we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive forimprovement. The old dykes from the rice paddies acted as a network of dry highways for the goats in the middle of very wet and swampy land. August 2020. It is not surprising to see such words describing these breeds as hardy, adaptable, self-sufficient, thriving, foragers, genetic diversity, and disease resistance. Contact Karen or 319-389-9647. Peter and Rosa brought in a new Spanish buck for three years (20002002) to refresh the herds bloodline. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety of, colors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test to. Named after Dian and Glenn Morefield, Ohio. He brought Spanish goats onto the family-run Weinheimer Ranch in the 1950s, and was a very progressive Spanish goat breeder for that timehe started selectively breeding them right away. The goats were tested for parasites and found to have an almost non-existent parasite load. But the Papes wont give up yet, and continue to do their best to conserve this endangered breed.History of Pape herd from Shirley Pape, February 2008. The fleece strand of six inches and longer makes for a nice workable length. She had been rewarded for her helpfulness by Mr. and Mrs. Midkiss of Kerville (now deceased), and thus began one of the largest Fullblood Spanish goat herds in Texas today.The Papes added to their growing herd through the years, but only with stock from trusted friends and neighbors. It is a constant task to keep the Mesquite and cacti in check. Preston Farissaid the Sawyer ranch was focused on mothering, longevity, and range survivability with minimalinput. (I am keeping one of her lambs, and the other is already sold). However, the following list of goats are represented by DNA Sampling in our Genetic Database. The phenotype is a longer, deeper body withheavier bone structure. For Shirley Pape, who has loved goats since childhood, the losses are heartbreaking.The Papes use government trapping and control programs, including aerial shooting, to help with predators, but these methods are not completely effective. Dam has 3 1/2 lactations with DHIA records. Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech have been breeding Spanish meat goats since 1996, placing them amongst the most experienced goat breeders in Central Virginia. Amy and Moxy came to the farm in 2000. Shurley had raised Spanish goats for many years, running up to 2,000 head at one time, but got interested in Boers in the early 1990s and crossed his Spanish goats with Boers. If you would like to create a new listing or update your current listing, please email He was a triplet and has beautiful cafe-au-lait colored wool. Robert Kensing was an economist for the Texas A&M Extension Service. These bloodline histories were told to us by the breeders themselves where possible. Important traits also include adaptability, range utility, fertility, longevity, and temperament; although these are more difficult to measure and describe. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. At the advice of our Technical Advisors, Spanish Goats, LLC relies upon a descriptive approach provided by the individual bloodline producers when defining the Spanish goat breed. In recent years these became the main predators for the Lowcountry herd, and the hogs were joined by alligators and the wild cats of the region. In a matter of days, the young start to play together, jumping and dancing in the pastures as the mother watch closely. The goats could forage at will, and move on as needed. Price Varies based on quality, $50-$100 Address PLEASANT HILL 64080 State Missouri Phone Number 8162589007 Email Address Pineywoods Cattle for sale The other ranches are in Texas and these producers are working toimprove the Sawyer genetics with their styles. By no means is this a complete list of all the available bloodlines of Spanish goats. Here is what Joe Preston has to say about his herd, We seldom have a Nannie that, does not have kids. Boers became fashionable and popular, and most breeders chose to breed their Spanish goats with Boers. A prolific producer of large white eggs gave this duck the label as the best layer among the heavyweight ducks. The amounts given depend on the quality of the natural forage available. She is a twin female from Nestle and sister to Nutrageous. In winter the herd is provided daily with hay (from November to March) and a mixture of corn and pellets (the protein content is about 12 percent). The Karakul wool is well known among hand spinners because of its array of colors. Overall Breed Standard:As as a result of the adaptability of the Fullblood Spanish breed and the differences among the bloodlines, it is not feasible to establish a prescriptive breed standard. With the exception of eagles, all predators are kept under control by hunting, trapping, and coon dogs. Thankfully, there are a number of Spanish Goat Registry Certified Sawyer breeders committed to carrying on the legacy of the Sawyer Bloodline that can be found on our Breeder List. Although there are Golden and Bald eagles, Grizzly bears, wolves, coyotes, foxes and badgers, Smoke Ridge has no losses to predation thanks to their guardian dogs. Many of the goats are still somewhat feral: they will come to feed and be locked up at night but just try to touch one. These are the genes that make the Morefield bloodline unique. Additional pictures/videos available. The commitment of all Fullblood Spanish goat breeders to stick with known origins and cull any signs of cross-breeding will ensure the genetic diversity and longevity of the Fullblood Spanish Goat Breed. The average annual rainfall is 20 inches. We keep nannies until they can no longer raise their kids. The conservation effort to conserve the Spanish breed genetics began in 2007. Registered with LLSBA. The goats always have loose mineral available. Tom Syfan has raised Fullblood Spanish goats for many years. He began raising fullblood Spanish goats in Eastabutchie, Mississippi when he was a boy. In the spring, we collect eggs from our breeding stock. The farm house dates back to 1874 and it overlooks the banks of the Muddy Run. Available in September when their calves are weaned. Our next 2 doelings came from Diane Kull. Contact Karen at big-creek@msn.comor phone 319-389-9647. To browse more animals and products for sale, visit the online directory. Spanish Goat Conservationists have been working together for over fifteen years to find and track Spanish Goat genetics. If the Dam is Baylis and the Sire is Low Country then the offspring is Low Country/Baylis. Pregnant and freshly-weaned goats are under extra pressure. Exceptional fleece: small to medium crimp, high luster. Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in regional soil. They do not breed for meat, and prefer a brown coat to black.Morefield nannies grow to be about 90-110 lbs., the billies have grown up to 200 lbs but are usually around 175 lbs. The herds are continually rotated, with border collies to help.Syfan uses six livestock guardian dogs and four donkeys to protect the herds. We shear our llamas every spring, around Labor Day. Three Syfan billies were purchased through Mackey Lange, Ranch Manager for Tom Syfan. Price $400, Specifically bred for the superior traits in both breeds. Goats Need Quick Attention When your goat is sick, every moment counts. As long at they didnt mess with anyones cotton patch or crops, they were free to go. The additions were bucks. The Morefields wanted cashmere, but particularly wanted hardy goats that would help them clear their lush 17-acre Ohio property of brush, briars, and poison ivy. La Flche are a dual purpose breed, they lay nice sized whitish eggs of good quality. They focused on deep, big boned billies and feminine nannies. Vitamins or probiotics if needed, and baking soda free-choice. We ask them to include the following descriptors: size and set of ears, horns, facial profile, weight, height, color, and degree of cashmere development in the winter. All my seed stock is registered GOLD KOY Fullblood. The herd has evolved into its own unique goat genetic.The ranch is located on the edge of the Eldorado Divide in Sutton County in Southwest Texas. Housing and Fencing Our kidding takes place early spring and is done unassisted in open pasture. He prefers black coats, but does not breed for color. Qualify to be submitted for registration as GOLD Fullblood. The purpose of the Spanish Goat Registry (SGR) is to create a DNA database of Fullblood Spanish Goat Breed genetics. Contact for pricing. When a good buck can be replaced with a better buck, so be it, and the culled older bucks usually go to hunting programs where their horns are prized by hunters.Syfan sells mature does, bucks, bucklings, and a few doelings to breeders. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats The goats?ears were solid, not floppy, fairly short, and were held straight back.Bodes goats were kept in Sonora, Terville, and at home in Harper. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety ofcolors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test toensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. They are bred in October for March kidding in a 350-acre kidding pasture.Nannies average about 100 lbs., and billies weigh approximately 200+ lbs. Ewes typically deliver twins and show excellent maternal qualities. Market weight is reached approximatelyat 16 weeks. The availability of rocky surfaces in the area ensures that there is never any need for hoof trimming.Buyers of their Spanish goats usually want weaned kids that are 3050 lbs., and want them at different times of the year. Each bloodline has a sample of five females and one male. Prices start at $300 for unregistered, weaned ram lambs and $375 for unregistered ewe lambs to $400 for registered sexually mature ewes and rams. This ensures we meet the standards of our Heritage Turkey and Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock, and are considered a closed flock for these meat birds. The goats are kept friendly with occasional very small amounts of corn: about a handful per goat per week is all it takes. And theyre still just as thick. The Spanish Meat Goat Association has not been able to identify other Valera goats in Virginia. Oftentimes breeders run multiple bloodlines in their herds and this makes identification simple. Will continue to show until sale. The herd has not had any significant problem with hooves, which are kept trimmed and checked to avoid mud packing. Nanny kids are carefully scrutinized and the best replacements are place don feed to encourage good growth and to teach them to come when called, be around stock dogs, and handle close quarters and working chutes.After two months these nanny kids are turned out into their own pasture to await breeding. Nanny kids are exposed to billies at 7 months of age, and are expected to kid and raise it as a yearling. He belonged to a rancher who decided to raise Boer-cross goats, and was the one of the last Fullblood Spanish goats in the herd that got caught out. Shipping is stressful for goats and their immune systems. Any full member of The Livestock Conservancy can post unlimited free listings in the Marketplace. It is difficult to tell from photographs the origins of a goats genetics. The hope of Spanish Goats, LLC is that, the Bloodline continues to be an option for meat producers and the Certified Breeders continue in. The dogs are Great Pyrenees, Akbash, and Anatolian, and Syfan asserts that its not necessarily which breed of livestock guardian dog is best, but whether or not the dog itself is effective. Hidden Hollow Valera If a doe has twins or triplets, she usually wont kid out the following year. After the successful trial run with their wethers, the Morefields decided to become breeders in 2003, with cashmere as their primary goal.The Morefield breeding herd started with cashmere does from Chris McGuire, via Kathryn Cooper, a former cashmere breeder in Southern Ohio. They were Kensings first goats. He recognizes that the problem isnt just the death-toll numbers, its the toll on selective breeding. Join our email list to receive farm news and promotional offers. The body is rounded, and the color is varied. Become a Member of The Livestock Conservancy. Purebred rams of multiple ages and bloodlines available. DNA Samples, VGL Copies, Bill of Sale and Goat Photos to Back up All Registrations. Here are the breed conformation guidelines for Spanish Goats put forward by The Livestock Conservancy. Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech of Muddy Run Farm have been breeding Spanish meat goats since 1995. Shurley does not use any livestock guardian animals, relying solely on traps and snares. Feeding and Nutritional Needs All goats need plenty of forage and browse that includes both legumes and grasses. The heifers were champion heifer and Blue-Carded at the 2018 & 2021 regional shows and reserve champion yearling heifer in 2019. . Colors vary widely, and no specific color indicates cross breeding. History of Syfan herd by Tom Syfan, February 2008.Tom Syfan passed away on August 10, 2013. And have also added some heavily-cashmered Syfan goats, and some Smoke Ridge.The Morefields have been pleased that in their recollection, theyve never had a bad mom in their herd. Their diet is naturalthe land offers Live Oak, Shin Oak, and many varieties of brush. When the goats?feed is supplemented, Kensing uses 20% protein grain cubes and shell corn. Most often Certified Spanish Goat Breeders wanting to continue DNA Registrations of their goats will select out these traits before DNA Registration. Younger goats have usually one kid; but as they mature, the goats tend to have two kids. Our turkey, chicken, and duck are hatched and raised right here on the farm. Copyright 2020 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | PO BOX 477, 33 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro, NC 27312, Login to your Heritage Breed Marketplace account. Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. They were of various colors. The Spanish goat Bloodline Foundation breeders agreed to close their herds to Fullblood Spanish genetics from that point forward if they had not done so already. Even his grandfather kept Spanish goats for the family table, and Bode loves goat meat barbecued, baked, and fried. The does could successfully feed their young, even the quintuplets. When the shearers came, the crew would camp out on the ranch. "Chester" a large bodied, classic type, high luster ram prospect for your purebred line. She passed away on September 26, 2010. The bucklings are then kept separate from the herd, and given feed daily to help them fill out and to keep them gentled. Proven excellent mothers. DOB 8-22-2017. Visit our website for details about our breeding program. Call or email for more details: 917-407-0472 / February 26, 2022, New Market, Virginia: SGR GOLD Certified Breeder ~ Diane Kull has VALERA Kids available. Each one of these ranches have purchased their, original stock from the Foundation Sawyer Ranches and are dedicated to continuing to improve. Don't miss the Spanish Goat Gathering and the Spanish Goat Roundup. The family began to breed the goats to bring out their vigor and strength, developing a line that both breeders of Spanish goats and non-Spanish goats want to breed into their herds. Bode can taste the difference between Boer meat and Spanish meat. And one male and fried large and twisted on their ranch, duck! Nolonger running the Sawyer ranch was focused on deep, big boned billies and nannies! Sought to breed goats with good coats, but does not use any Livestock guardian dogs and four donkeys protect... 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